760-579-7694 jstine@jstinelaw.com

Please Send Us A Message

8 + 12 =

Joseph Stine Law Contact – Your Message Should Include:

  • Brief description of the facts underlying your inquiry
  • Statement of your question or concern
  • How you would like to be contacted? (e.g., email response only, phone call initiated by me, follow-up phone call initiated by you)
  • Your name /phone number (if you desire me to call you)

Our Carlsbad Office

contact-san-diego-lawyer-phone-890wPlease contact me if you have a question or concern that touches on one of the areas of my law or ADR practice, or if you have an inquiry about my services.

All responses to initial inquiries are confidential and rendered without charge.

Joseph Stine Law Contact

Law Office of Joseph L. Stine
2173 Salk Ave., Suite 250
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Email: jstine@jstinelaw.com
Tel: 760-579-7694
Fax: 760-579-7695

Business Hours: 
Mon-Fri 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Joseph Stine Law Contact


Law Office of Joseph L. Stine
2173 Salk Ave., Suite 250, Carlsbad, CA 92008
jstine@jstinelaw.com  |  760-579-7694



Joseph is a San Diego native and has practiced law for 39 years specializing in Real Estate, Business and Civil Litigation. The firm focuses on providing legal services to North County San Diego residents and businesses.